In the lab 2022: Ming Ni, Christine Wallis, Hasanki Gamhewa,
Guillaume Tougas, Madelaine Anderson, Christina Rinas, Anna Crofts
Past Graduate Students and Post-docs
Terri Lacourse
UBC NSERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2006-2007
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Victoria
Patrick Lilley
UBC M.Sc. 2005-2007: "Determinants of native and exotic plant species diversity and composition in remnant oak savannas on southeastern Vancouver Island"
Current Position: Environmental Consultant, Kerr Wood Leidal
Emily Drummond
UBC M.Sc. 2006-2009: "The consequences of genetic diversity for invasion success in populations of dandelions"
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Rieseberg Lab
Hiroshi Tomimatsu
UBC Postdoctoral Fellow (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science) 2007-2009
Current Position: Professor, Yamagata University
Will Cornwell
UBC Biodiversity Research Centre Postdoctoral Fellow 2007-2009
Current Position: Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia
Tom Deane
UBC M.Sc. 2008-2010: "Environmental and biotic influences on the abundance and distribution of an introduced grass species: implications for management in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia"
Tanis Gieselman
UBC M.Sc. 2008-2010: "Changes in grassland community composition at human-mediated edges in the south Okanagan"
Current position: Vice-president, Central Okanagan Land Trust
Nathan Kraft
UBC Biodiversity Research Centre Postdoctoral Fellow 2009-2011
Current position: Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles
Isla Myers-Smith
Postdoctoral Fellow 2011-2012
Current Position: Professor, Research Chair in Global Change
Ecology of Northern Ecosystems, University of British Columbia
Carissa Brown
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2011-2013
Current Position:
Associate Professor, Memorial University
Heather Kharouba
Ph.D., UBC, 2008-2013, "The influence of spatial and temporal climate variation on species'
distributions, phenologies and interactions"
Current Position (autumn 2016): Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Jenny McCune
Ph.D., UBC, 2008-2013, "The long-term history of plant communities on southeastern Vancouver island based on vegetation resurveys and phytolith analysis"
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Lethbridge
Robin Beauséjour
2011-2014, "Influence des perturbations anthropiques historiques sur les patrons d’invasion de plantes et de vers de terre non-indigènes dans une forêt primaire tempérée (Réserve Naturelle Gault, Mont St-Hilaire)"
Current position:
Conseiller en planification (biodiversité), Ville de Montréal
Josée Savage
M.Sc., 2012-2014, "Changements temporels dans la végétation du Mont-Mégantic sur quatre décennies : effet du réchauffement climatique"
Geneviève Lajoie
M.Sc., 2012-2014, "Des sources de l’association trait-environnement entre les communautés végétales : Comprendre la dépendance sur le contexte de la contribution de la variation intraspécifique"
Current position: Botanist & Researcher, Montréal Botanical
Garden; Adjunct Professor, Université de Montréal
Jean-Philippe Lessard
QCBS Postdoctoral Fellow
Current Position: Professor, University Research Chair in
Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functioning, Concordia University
Anne Bjorkman
M.Sc., 2006-2009, "Changes in the landscape and vegetation of southeastern Vancouver Island and Saltspring Islands, Canada, since European settlement"
Ph.D., 2009-2014, "Ecological and evolutionary consequences of experimental and natural warming in the high Arctic tundra"
Current Position: Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Jamie Leathem
M.Sc., 2009-2014, "Community assembly along subarctic roadsides: the role of plant functional traits in native and exotic species"
Current Position: Ecosystems Biologist, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Morgane Urli
Post-doctoral fellow, 2013-2015
Current position: Assistant Professor, Département de sciences
biologiques, UQAM
Martine Fugère
M.Sc., 2013-2015, "Étude du patron d'invasion des vers de terre exotiques dans le Parc national du Mont-Tremblan et de leurs impacts sur le milieu forestier"
Current position: Recherchiste émission Génial!, chez Sphère Média
Benjamin Marquis (co-supervised by Matthew Peros, Bishop's)
M.Sc., 2014-2016, "La limite de répartition supérieure de l’érable à sucre et du bouleau jaune sous contrôle climatique : étude dendroécologique le long d’un gradient d’élévation".
Current position: Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service
Julien Beguin
FQRNT Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-2015
Current position: Chercheur, Institut de recherche sur les forêts,
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Cesc Murria
Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow, 2013-2016
Current position: Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona
Sébastien Rivest
M.Sc. 2015-2017, "Variations altitudinales des interactions biotiques et de la phénologie de la floraison chez deux plantes de sous-étage de l'est de l'Amérique du nord"
Current position: Ph.D. student, University of Ottawa
Liz Kleynhans
Ph.D. 2011-2018 (UBC), "Community context of adaptation to environmental change"
Current position: Ecological Modeling Specialist, British Columbia
Ministry of Forests
Antoine Becker-Scarpitta
Ph.D. 2014-2018, "Dynamiques temporelles des communautés végétales forestières en réponses aux changements globaux"
Current position: Chercheur, CIRAD - La recherche agronomique pour
le déveoppement (Réunion Island, France)
Julie Messier
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018.
Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo
Véronique Boucher-Lalonde
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018
Current position: Senior Policy Advisor, Impact Assessment Agency
of Canada
Diane Auberson-Lavoie M.Sc. 2017-2019.
"Causes et conséquences de l'herbivorie par le cerf de Virginie sur
Trillium erectum le long d'un gradient élévationnel"
Current position: Biologist, Évolution Environnement
Amanda Young Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017-2019
Current position: Spatial and Environmental Data Center Manager,
Toolik Field Station, Alaska.
David Watts Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017-2019
Current position: Public Health Microbiologist, Alaska
Sabine St-Jean Technicienne, 2019-2020
Current position: Étudiante M.Sc., Université de
Alexis Carteron Ph.D. 2016-2020
(co-supervisé, U. Montréal). "La dominance mycorhizienne en tant que
facteur local déterminant des processus écologiques forestiers".
Current position: Enseignant-chercheur, Département Sciences de
l'Environnement et Numérique,
Victor Danneyrolles Postdoc, 2017-2020
(co-supervisé, Rimouski, Abitibi) Current position:
Professeur-chercheur en écologie forestière, Université du Québec à
Erin Crockett Ph.D. 2021 (co-supervised with
Elena Bennett, McGill University) Current position: Postdoctoral
researcher, United States Forest Service / University of New
Françoise Cardou Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Carleton University
(Starting faculty position at University of Calgary, summer 2024)
Inês Martins Postdoctoral Fellow, 2019-2021, Leverhulme
Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity (co-supervised with Chris
Thomas & Maria Dornelas) Current position: Research Fellow,
Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity (York, UK)
Christina Rinas Ph.D. 2017-2022. "Patterns of
lichen and bryophyte diversity and distribution along a temperate to
boreal elevation gradient". Current position: Postdoctoral
Researcher, Nova Scotia Museum and St. Mary's University
Ming Ni Ph.D. 2018-2022. "Climatic nad
non-climatic effects on plant distributions and predicted migration
in eastern North America". Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Hasanki Gamhewa M.Sc. 2021-2023.
"Consequences of climate change for the duration of the high light
period for red trillium (Trillium erectum) along an
elevational gradient"
Christine Wallis Postdoctoral Researcher,
2020-2023, CABO Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher,
Department of Geoinformation in Environmental Planning. Technical
University of Berlin.
Old lab pictures...
Covid lab meeting: Anna Crofts, Christine Wallis, Hasanki Gamhewa,
Madelaine Anderson, William Jacques, Ming Ni, Christina Rinas,
Guillaume Tougas
Taking down the shade experiment, Autumn 2021:
Christine Wallis, Madelaine Anderson, Hasanki Gamhewa, Ming Ni, Anna
Socially distanced hike on Mont Hatley, October 2021 (from left to
right: Mark Vellend, Ming Ni, Christine Wallis, Hasanki Gamhewa,
Anna Crofts, Madelaine Anderson)
Socially distanced lab picnic: Diane Auberson-Lavoie, Françoise
Cardou, Ming Ni, Mark Vellend, Anna Crofts, Mélanie Béhé, Christina
Rinas, Sabine St-Jean, Isabelle Lefebvre (Parc Jaques Cartier,
juillet 2020)
Back row: Mark Vellend, Christina Rinas, Françoise Cardou, David Watts, Ming Ni; From row: Anna Crofts, Amanda Young, Diane Auberson-Lavoie (Mont Mégantic, mars 2019)
Same people, same day, selfie version.
Diane Auberson-Lavoie, Mark Vellend, Sébastien Rivest, Amanda Young (Mont Mégantic, mars 2017)
Labo, August 2016: Yuanzhi Li (Shipley lab), Chuping Wu, Julie Messier, Jinliang Liu, Mélissa Paquet, Antoine Becker-Scarpitta, Mark Vellend, Nikola Tutic, Sébastien Rivest
Labo, mars 2014: Morgane, Antoine, Cesc, François, Geneviève, Benjamin
Labo, juillet 2012: Anne-Sophie, Geneviève, Leonardo, Josée, Carissa, Robin, Isla, Valérie, Mark
Christmas/Farewell Party 2010: Back row: Jamie, Jenny, Emily, Dan, Annabelle, Heather, Anne, Hannes, Patrick, Mark, Félix, Véronique, Nathan; Front row: Liz, Joe, Janet, Tanis
May 2010, Taylor Point, Saturna Island: Nathan Kraft, Jenny McCune, Heather Kharouba, Mark Vellend, Tanis Gieselman, Jamie Leathem, Anne Bjorkman
May 2008, Golden Ears Provincial Park: Hiroshi Tomimatsu, Jenn Muir, Mark Vellend, Maurice Agha, Heather Kharouba, Emily Drummond, Anne Bjorkman, Nozomi Tomimatsu, Will Cornwell, Tanis Gieselman, Jenny McCune
July 2007, Vancouver Island: Anne Bjorkman, Emily Drummond, Laura Super, Mark Vellend, Patrick Lilley, Jen Muir, Hiroshi Tomimatsu