
Madelaine Anderson (Ph.D. Student)

Broadly, I am interested in how plant communities and landscapes are impacted by global change. Growing up, I spent all my summers in northern Canada, which inspired curiosity about and passion for northern ecosystems. The Arctic tundra biome is changing quickly with major implications on biodiversity, climate, and humans. My doctoral research is situated within the Arctic portion of the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO) project. Working with CABO and Team Shrub, led by Isla Myers-Smith and based out of the University of Edinburgh, I will explore biodiversity change in the tundra biome using remote sensing approaches and field-based surveys. I will ask questions about linking tundra plant spectral signatures to tundra plant phenology, plant traits and biodiversity.

Tadhg Carroll (Postdoc, Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity, co-supervised with Maria Dornelas & Chris Thomas)

I am interested in all aspects of Ecology, but my work has focused to date on Community Ecology. My research at the Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity focuses primarily on investigating biodiversity change in contemporary ecological assemblages. Biodiversity is complex, and needs to be viewed in many different ways in order to understand how it has changed in the past, or to have any hope of predicting future trajectories. I’m keen to uncover processes underlying biodiversity change, as well as documenting various aspects of empirical trends over time. Current lines of research include attempts to understand adaptive dynamics in ecological communities, and if and how rare species become common and common species become rare. I also have a deep interest, and gradually growing skillset, in Applied Bayesian Statistics and how such techniques can be used to tease knowledge out from nature.

Charlotte Brown (Postdoc)

I am a plant community ecologist who uses a blend of field observations and experiments to investigate the factors underlying the wide-ranging responses of species to environmental shifts and global change. I am particularly interested in how this variation in species responses can scale up to impact larger-scale community and ecosystem dynamics, particularly species interactions. I am driven by overarching concepts rather than being confined to particular ecosystems, leading me to work in a diverse range of environments such as grasslands, deserts, and forests .

During my postdoc at the Université de Sherbrooke, I am examining the climatic drivers of species' phenological shifts and how variation in species sensitivities, both in magnitude and to particular climatic events, impact current and future species interactions, flowering synchrony, and overall community structure.

Najwa Houmam (M.Sc. Student)

Je suis intéressée par la biodiversité des plantes et comment les écosystèmes répondent aux changements climatiques, pour mieux comprendre comment ces changements peuvent affecter le calendrier phénologique. Pour ma maîtrise, je vais effectuer un travail de terrain dans le Parc national du Mont Mégantic, Québec. Je vais utiliser la photographie en temps réel et autres méthodes pour répondre aux questions suivantes : (i) Comment les changements climatiques peuvent impacter la phénologie des arbres à travers le temps et l’espace? (ii) Comment les relations phénologie-climat varient-elles d'une espèce à l'autre et d'un environnement à l'autre?

I have broad interests in plant biodiversity and how ecosystems respond to climate change, with a particular focus on the timing of biological events (phenology). For my Master's degree, I will conduct field work in Parc national du Mont Mégantic, Quebec. Using repeat photography and field validation, I will address the following questions: (i) What is the impact of climate change on tree leaf phenology over space and time? (ii) How do phenology-climate relationships vary across species and environments?




Anna Crofts (Ph.D. student)

I am a field ecologist, broadly interested in how plant abundance and distributions are changing in response to global change and, in turn, how these changes in plant community composition influence ecosystem properties. During my BSc, at the University of British Columbia, I was hired as an alpine ecologist research assistant which sparked my interest in plant ecology, specifically related to elevational gradients. My MSc, at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, examined how biotic interactions affect boreal conifer recruitment at alpine treeline.

In 2019, I began my PhD working as a part of the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO), an interdisciplinary research initiative aimed at examining major drivers of plant biodiversity across Canada through spectranomics. Spectranomics is a novel approach to quantifying plant taxanomic and functional diversity, which uses airborne hyperspectral images to identify plant species and quantify foliar traits. I will lead the field-based biodiversity survey in Parc national du Mont Mégantic, Québec. For my doctoral research, I ask: (i) can remotely-sensed, hyperspectral data quantify forest community properties, and in turn, (ii) how do forest community properties vary across climate (elevation) and resource extraction gradients?

Sabine St-Jean (M.Sc. Student)

Les changements climatiques ont le potentiel de désynchroniser les phénologies d’espèces interdépendantes, comme les plantes et leurs pollinisateurs. Fleurir plus tôt est souvent considéré comme un avantage en conférant une saison de croissance plus longue, mais peut aussi entraîner des coûts comme une insuffisance de pollinisateurs tôt au printemps. Les taux vitaux des plantes, par exemple la production de graines, pourraient s’en trouver affectés. Mon objectif est donc d’évaluer l’effet de la date de floraison des plantes printanières sur leur pollinisation et sur leur reproduction, tout en dressant le portrait de la biodiversité des pollinisateurs le long du gradient d’élévation du Mont-Mégantic.

 Climate change has the potential to alter the synchrony in the phenologies of interdependent species, like plants and their pollinators. Flowering earlier is often considered as an advantage by offering a longer growing season but may also entail costs such as insufficient pollination in early spring. Vital rates of plants, such as seed production, could be affected. Thus, my objective is to evaluate the effect of flowering dates of spring ephemerals on their pollination and on their reproduction, as well as to characterize the pollinator biodiversity along the altitudinal gradient on Mont Megantic

Guillaume Tougas (M.Sc. Student)

J'entame ma maitrise avec l'objectif de mieux comprendre les impacts des changements environnementaux sur nos forêts locales et de contribuer à la planification de la conservation des espèces végétales du Québec. La fréquence et l’intensité de certaines épidémies de pathogènes forestiers sont appelées à augmenter avec les variations dans le climat. Dans cet optique, j’étudierai notamment l'évolution de la maladie corticale du hêtre au parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno par télédétection à partir d'imagerie hyper-spectrale aérienne. Ce projet est inclus dans CABO (Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory). J’y utiliserai la technologie hyper-spectrale afin de tenter de détecter les stades de la maladie au sein des couronnes d’arbres individuels à partir de variations dans la composition chimique des feuilles.

The objectives of my master’s degree are to better understand climate change impacts on our local forests and to contribute to plant species’ conservation planning in Québec. The frequency and the intensity of many forest diseases are increase due to climate warming. With this in mind, I will study the progression of beech bark disease (BBD) in Mont-Saint-Bruno National Park using remote sensing with aerial hyperspectral imagery. This project is part of the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO). I will use hyperspectral technology in an attempt to detect the different BBD stages within the crowns of individual trees from variation in leaf chemical composition. 

Audrey Lafrenaye (Ph.D. student)

Depuis plusieurs années, je m’intéresse aux interactions entre les insectes et les plantes. Au cours de ma maîtrise et de mon parcours professionnel, j’ai concentré mes recherches sur le contrôle des ravageurs en agriculture. Pour mon projet de doctorat, qui a débuté en février 2024, je vais me pencher sur les interactions entre les plantes et leurs pollinisateurs le long du gradient altidudinal au Mont-Mégantic, Québec. Mon objectif principal est de mieux comprendre l'impact des changements climatiques sur le succès reproducteur des plantes ainsi que sur leurs pollinisateurs en milieu forestier. À travers mes travaux, j'espère apporter des contributions significatives à la prédiction des effets du réchauffement planétaire, afin d'orienter efficacement les efforts de conservation des écosystèmes forestiers.

For several years, I have been interested in interactions between insects and plants. During my master's degree and professional journey, I have focused my research on pest control in agriculture. For my doctoral project, which began in February 2024, I will investigate the interactions between plants and their pollinators along the altitudinal gradient at Mont-Mégantic, Quebec. My primary objective is to better understand the impact of climate change on the reproductive success of plants and their pollinators in forest environments. Through my work, I hope to make significant contributions to predicting the effects of global warming, in order to effectively guide efforts in conserving forest ecosystems.

In the lab 2022: Ming Ni, Christine Wallis, Hasanki Gamhewa, Guillaume Tougas, Madelaine Anderson, Christina Rinas, Anna Crofts

Past Graduate Students and Post-docs

Terri Lacourse
UBC NSERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2006-2007
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Victoria

Patrick Lilley
UBC M.Sc. 2005-2007: "Determinants of native and exotic plant species diversity and composition in remnant oak savannas on southeastern Vancouver Island"
Current Position: Environmental Consultant, Kerr Wood Leidal

Emily Drummond
UBC M.Sc. 2006-2009: "The consequences of genetic diversity for invasion success in populations of dandelions"
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Rieseberg Lab

Hiroshi Tomimatsu
UBC Postdoctoral Fellow (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science) 2007-2009
Current Position: Professor, Yamagata University

Will Cornwell
UBC Biodiversity Research Centre Postdoctoral Fellow 2007-2009
Current Position: Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, Australia

Tom Deane
UBC M.Sc. 2008-2010: "Environmental and biotic influences on the abundance and distribution of an introduced grass species: implications for management in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia"

Tanis Gieselman
UBC M.Sc. 2008-2010: "Changes in grassland community composition at human-mediated edges in the south Okanagan"
Current position: Vice-president, Central Okanagan Land Trust

Nathan Kraft
UBC Biodiversity Research Centre Postdoctoral Fellow 2009-2011
Current position: Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles

Isla Myers-Smith
Postdoctoral Fellow 2011-2012
Current Position: Professor, Research Chair in Global Change Ecology of Northern Ecosystems, University of British Columbia

Carissa Brown
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2011-2013
Current Position: Associate Professor, Memorial University

Heather Kharouba
Ph.D., UBC, 2008-2013, "The influence of spatial and temporal climate variation on species' distributions, phenologies and interactions"
Current Position (autumn 2016): Associate Professor, University of Ottawa

Jenny McCune
Ph.D., UBC, 2008-2013, "The long-term history of plant communities on southeastern Vancouver island based on vegetation resurveys and phytolith analysis"
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Lethbridge

Robin Beauséjour
M.Sc., 2011-2014, "Influence des perturbations anthropiques historiques sur les patrons d’invasion de plantes et de vers de terre non-indigènes dans une forêt primaire tempérée (Réserve Naturelle Gault, Mont St-Hilaire)"
Current position: Conseiller en planification (biodiversité), Ville de Montréal

Josée Savage
M.Sc., 2012-2014, "Changements temporels dans la végétation du Mont-Mégantic sur quatre décennies : effet du réchauffement climatique"

Geneviève Lajoie
M.Sc., 2012-2014, "Des sources de l’association trait-environnement entre les communautés végétales : Comprendre la dépendance sur le contexte de la contribution de la variation intraspécifique"
Current position: Botanist & Researcher, Montréal Botanical Garden; Adjunct Professor, Université de Montréal

Jean-Philippe Lessard
QCBS Postdoctoral Fellow 2012-2014
Current Position: Professor, University Research Chair in Biodiversity & Ecosystem Functioning, Concordia University

Anne Bjorkman
M.Sc., 2006-2009, "Changes in the landscape and vegetation of southeastern Vancouver Island and Saltspring Islands, Canada, since European settlement"
Ph.D., 2009-2014, "Ecological and evolutionary consequences of experimental and natural warming in the high Arctic tundra"
Current Position: Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Jamie Leathem
M.Sc., 2009-2014, "Community assembly along subarctic roadsides: the role of plant functional traits in native and exotic species"
Current Position: Ecosystems Biologist, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

Morgane Urli
Post-doctoral fellow, 2013-2015
Current position: Assistant Professor, Département de sciences biologiques, UQAM

Martine Fugère
M.Sc., 2013-2015, "Étude du patron d'invasion des vers de terre exotiques dans le Parc national du Mont-Tremblan et de leurs impacts sur le milieu forestier"
Current position: Recherchiste émission Génial!, chez Sphère Média

Benjamin Marquis (co-supervised by Matthew Peros, Bishop's)
M.Sc., 2014-2016, "La limite de répartition supérieure de l’érable à sucre et du bouleau jaune sous contrôle climatique : étude dendroécologique le long d’un gradient d’élévation".
Current position: Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service

Julien Beguin
FQRNT Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-2015
Current position: Chercheur, Institut de recherche sur les forêts, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Cesc Murria
Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow, 2013-2016
Current position: Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona

Sébastien Rivest
M.Sc. 2015-2017, "Variations altitudinales des interactions biotiques et de la phénologie de la floraison chez deux plantes de sous-étage de l'est de l'Amérique du nord"
Current position: Ph.D. student, University of Ottawa

Liz Kleynhans
Ph.D. 2011-2018 (UBC), "Community context of adaptation to environmental change"
Current position: Ecological Modeling Specialist, British Columbia Ministry of Forests  

Antoine Becker-Scarpitta
Ph.D. 2014-2018, "Dynamiques temporelles des communautés végétales forestières en réponses aux changements globaux"
Current position: Chercheur, CIRAD - La recherche agronomique pour le déveoppement (Réunion Island, France)

Julie Messier
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018.
Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo

Véronique Boucher-Lalonde
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018
Current position: Senior Policy Advisor, Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

Diane Auberson-Lavoie
M.Sc. 2017-2019. "Causes et conséquences de l'herbivorie par le cerf de Virginie sur Trillium erectum le long d'un gradient élévationnel"
Current position: Biologist, Évolution Environnement

Amanda Young
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017-2019
Current position: Spatial and Environmental Data Center Manager, Toolik Field Station, Alaska.

David Watts
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017-2019
Current position: Public Health Microbiologist, Alaska

Sabine St-Jean
Technicienne, 2019-2020
Current position: Étudiante M.Sc., Université de Sherbrooke

Alexis Carteron
Ph.D. 2016-2020 (co-supervisé, U. Montréal). "La dominance mycorhizienne en tant que facteur local déterminant des processus écologiques forestiers".
Current position: Enseignant-chercheur, Département Sciences de l'Environnement et Numérique, DYNAFOR

Victor Danneyrolles
Postdoc, 2017-2020 (co-supervisé, Rimouski, Abitibi)
Current position: Professeur-chercheur en écologie forestière, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Erin Crockett
Ph.D. 2021 (co-supervised with Elena Bennett, McGill University)
Current position: Postdoctoral researcher, United States Forest Service / University of New Hampshire

Françoise Cardou
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Carleton University (Starting faculty position at University of Calgary, summer 2024)

Inês Martins
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2019-2021, Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity (co-supervised with Chris Thomas & Maria Dornelas)
Current position: Research Fellow, Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity (York, UK)

Christina Rinas
Ph.D. 2017-2022. "Patterns of lichen and bryophyte diversity and distribution along a temperate to boreal elevation gradient".
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Nova Scotia Museum and St. Mary's University

Ming Ni
Ph.D. 2018-2022. "Climatic nad non-climatic effects on plant distributions and predicted migration in eastern North America".
Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Aarhus University, Denmark

Hasanki Gamhewa
M.Sc. 2021-2023. "Consequences of climate change for the duration of the high light period for red trillium (Trillium erectum) along an elevational gradient"

Christine Wallis
Postdoctoral Researcher, 2020-2023, CABO
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Geoinformation in Environmental Planning. Technical University of Berlin.

Old lab pictures...

Covid lab meeting: Anna Crofts, Christine Wallis, Hasanki Gamhewa, Madelaine Anderson, William Jacques, Ming Ni, Christina Rinas, Guillaume Tougas

Taking down the shade experiment, Autumn 2021: Christine Wallis, Madelaine Anderson, Hasanki Gamhewa, Ming Ni, Anna Crofts

Socially distanced hike on Mont Hatley, October 2021 (from left to right: Mark Vellend, Ming Ni, Christine Wallis, Hasanki Gamhewa, Anna Crofts, Madelaine Anderson)


Socially distanced lab picnic: Diane Auberson-Lavoie, Françoise Cardou, Ming Ni, Mark Vellend, Anna Crofts, Mélanie Béhé, Christina Rinas, Sabine St-Jean, Isabelle Lefebvre (Parc Jaques Cartier, juillet 2020)

Back row: Mark Vellend, Christina Rinas, Françoise Cardou, David Watts, Ming Ni; From row: Anna Crofts, Amanda Young, Diane Auberson-Lavoie (Mont Mégantic, mars 2019)

Same people, same day, selfie version.


Diane Auberson-Lavoie, Mark Vellend, Sébastien Rivest, Amanda Young (Mont Mégantic, mars 2017)

Labo, August 2016: Yuanzhi Li (Shipley lab), Chuping Wu, Julie Messier, Jinliang Liu, Mélissa Paquet, Antoine Becker-Scarpitta, Mark Vellend, Nikola Tutic, Sébastien Rivest

Labo, mars 2014: Morgane, Antoine, Cesc, François, Geneviève, Benjamin

Labo, juillet 2012: Anne-Sophie, Geneviève, Leonardo, Josée, Carissa, Robin, Isla, Valérie, Mark

Christmas/Farewell Party 2010: Back row: Jamie, Jenny, Emily, Dan, Annabelle, Heather, Anne, Hannes, Patrick, Mark, Félix, Véronique, Nathan; Front row: Liz, Joe, Janet, Tanis

May 2010, Taylor Point, Saturna Island: Nathan Kraft, Jenny McCune, Heather Kharouba, Mark Vellend, Tanis Gieselman, Jamie Leathem, Anne Bjorkman

May 2008, Golden Ears Provincial Park: Hiroshi Tomimatsu, Jenn Muir, Mark Vellend, Maurice Agha, Heather Kharouba, Emily Drummond, Anne Bjorkman, Nozomi Tomimatsu, Will Cornwell, Tanis Gieselman, Jenny McCune

July 2007, Vancouver Island: Anne Bjorkman, Emily Drummond, Laura Super, Mark Vellend, Patrick Lilley, Jen Muir, Hiroshi Tomimatsu