& m
can be set to reproduce each panel in Figure 6.10
WARNING: This code is slower to run than the code in Boxes 1-5 (~40 seconds)
# specify parameters, initial conditions, and output matrix
num.years <- 500
num.patch <- 2
freq.1.mat <- matrix(nrow = num.years, ncol = num.patch)
J <- 1000
init.1 <- 0.5*J
COM <- matrix(nrow=J, ncol=num.patch)
COM[1:init.1,] <- 1; COM[(init.1+1):J,] <- 2
year <- 2
m <- 0.05
fit.ratio.avg <- vector(length=num.patch)
fit.ratio.avg[] <- c(1.2,1.2)
fit.ratio.m <- 1/5
freq.dep <- vector(length=num.patch)
freq.dep[] <- 0
## record data (frequency of species 1) for year 1
freq.1.mat[1,] <- init.1/J
## run simulation
for (i in 1:(J*num.patch*(num.years-1))) {
## choose a patch where a death even will occur
patch <- sample(1:num.patch,1)
## calculate Pr.1 if dispersal occurs
if (runif(1) < m) {
freq.1.meta <- sum(COM==1)/(J*num.patch)
Pr.1 <- fit.ratio.m*freq.1.meta/(fit.ratio.m*freq.1.meta + (1-freq.1.meta))
} else {
## calculate Pr.1 if local reproduction (not dispersal)
freq.1 <- sum(COM[,patch]==1)/J; freq.2 <- 1 - freq.1
fit.ratio <- exp(freq.dep[patch]*(freq.1-0.5) + log(fit.ratio.avg[patch]))
Pr.1 <- fit.ratio*freq.1/(fit.ratio*freq.1 + freq.2)
COM[ceiling(J*runif(1)),patch] <- sample(c(1,2), 1, prob=c(Pr.1,1-Pr.1))
## record data
if (i %% (J*num.patch) == 0) {
freq.1.mat[year,] <- colSums(COM==1)/J
year <- year + 1
## graph the results
plot(1:num.years, rowMeans(freq.1.mat), type="l", xlab="Time",
ylab="Frequency of species 1", ylim=c(0,1))
and freq.dep
as vectors, with one value for each patch. Differences in dispersal ability are represented by fit.ratio.m
which is used to calculate the probability that - in the event of
dispersal - the reproducing individual is of one species or the other.
If fit.ratio.m
> 1, species 1 is a better disperser and vice versa.m <- 0.05
fit.ratio.avg <- vector(length=num.patch)
fit.ratio.avg[] <- c(1.2,1.2)
fit.ratio.m <- 1/5
freq.dep <- vector(length=num.patch)
freq.dep[] <- 0
the reproducing individual will be chosen from the entire metacommunity, but the choice is not random if fit.ratio.m
≠ 1. freq.1.meta
is the frequency of species 1 in the metacommunity, and then fit.ratio.m
is used to calculate Pr.1
in the exact same way as fit.ratio
is used for selection occurring within a local community. if (runif(1) < m) {
freq.1.meta <- sum(COM==1)/(J*num.patch)
Pr.1 <- fit.ratio.m*freq.1.meta/(fit.ratio.m*freq.1.meta + (1-freq.1.meta))
} else {
plot(1:num.years, rowMeans(freq.1.mat), type="l", xlab="Time",
ylab="Frequency of species 1", ylim=c(0,1))